Sweating & blushing
Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis)
Excessive uncontrollable sweating is a very common problem.
Sweating after working out or in hotter weather is expected, but for around 3% of adults sweating continues to happen for no reason.
This can impact someone’s self-esteem, affecting their relationships and day to day life.
Excessive sweating often affects the armpits, hands, face and feet.
For more information, visit The Circulation Foundation website.

Facial Blushing
Facial blushing or flushing is an uncontrolled reddening of your face, neck, ears or upper chest, often in response to an emotional trigger like embarrassment, anxiety or stress.
Most people experience blushing but if the degree or duration of it is unusually stronger than average, then we can help.

Mr Onwudike is an expert in focal hyperhidrosis affecting the armpits and the hands and in carefully selected patients suffering from facial blushing. Patients have travelled as far as Scotland and Staffordshire for treatment.
Botulinum Toxin (botox) injections: outpatient treatment
This is most suitable for excessive sweating affecting the armpits. The session takes
up to 45 minutes and most patients will remain dry for an average of six months.
Video-Assisted Thoracic Sympathectomy (VTS)
A minimally-invasive procedure that aims to interrupt the nerve chain responsible for the sweating using a telescope inserted into the chest through very tiny holes. This is a day case procedure, with no more than one night stay if needed. It is most suited for focal sweating affecting the palms and 95% of patients are satisfied.
The same procedure is employed for the treatment of facial blushing but the success rate is not as high.
You will find more information in the Patient Information Area.

Here's what our
customers say
“Thank you for giving me back my self-confidence.”
- Schoolteacher, after VTS
“It was all worth it! Why was I not made aware of this treatment many years ago?”
- Pharmacist after VTS
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